What is Ivideon Server?

Last update: 04.05.2024

Ivideon Server is a video surveillance software designed to connect web cameras and IP cameras to Ivideon service.

With Ivideon Server, users can:

  • store their video archives in the cloud (if the user selected and paid for the rate plan that includes cloud archive feature), locally or both ways;

  • create a new configuration for cameras, as well as copy and restore it;

  • configure video recording process: continuously, based on a schedule, based on detection;

  • adjust the volume of outbound traffic and image quality for web cameras, and save the balance that works best for the user;

  • take advantage of Ivideon cloud surveillance features.

Proper work of Ivideon Server (current release version, which is available in the Downloads section of our site) has been tested and can be guaranteed on:

  • Windows 7 (with the latest system library updates) and higher

  • Current versions of Linux systems Ubuntu (16.04/18.04/20.04 LTS), Debian (9/10)

  • macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and higher

NB! Proper work of current version of Ivideon Server on outdated OS versions is not guaranteed, there may be various problems with installing/launching the application.

Proper work of the application on virtual machines is not guaranteed (depends on the implementation model of the virtual environment).

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